Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Liebster Award

Kathryn at Kathryn's Quest has been reading my blog since it began in 2010 and has kindly nominated me for the Liebster Award. Thanks, Kathryn!

Liebster is a German word that means friend, dearest, adored, beloved, chosen one. The Liebster Award is given to bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers, to encourage them and to spread the word about interesting blogs to a new audience.

The rules for the award vary, but I’m following mostly in Kathryn’s footsteps. This is all optional of course and just for fun.

•   Thank the one who nominated you by linking back.
•   List 11 random facts about yourself/your blog.  (I’m only listing 5)
•   Nominate five blogs with less than 200 followers. (I’m only picking 3)
•   Let the nominees know by leaving a comment at their sites.
•   Add the award image to your site (optional). 

1. Other than the US, highest traffic is from Russia and I have no genealogical connection there. (Seems sketchy to me)
2. Search keywords with highest frequency:  Cayuga Asylum for Destitute Children
3. Most unusual, but oddly frequent, keyword search:  Spiders Ceiling Flooding (Not as odd as you might think)
4. Google is how most people find my blog. (Or so Google tells me)
5. Still can’t figure out how my blog manages to average 250+ views per month.

Here are my nominees for the Liebster Award:

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