Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oh hi!

Look where you are! You're at The Incredible Suit, a film blog which used to be updated so infrequently that nobody noticed when it stopped being updated altogether.

Anyway, just because there won't be anything new and sexy here from now on, there's still a shitload of great stuff for you to browse if you're bored or mentally ill. That 'Reviews' tab up top, for example, could take you to any of a number of "razor-sharp" "critiques" of films from A-Team, The to Youth In Revolt. Although that last one is only ten words long.

Alternatively you could let any of 35 movie music playlists make sweet tender love to your earholes, providing you're wearing a Spotify prophylactic.

And if James Bond films are your thing, why, there are extensive musings on every entry in the series by The Incredible Suit (click the links over on the right) and also from a wealth of similarly-tragic bloggers in the BlogalongaBond project, which can be accessed via the tab up top.

So have a seat, make yourself at home, pop your trousers off and explore all that The Incredible Suit has to offer. And in the unlikely event that you want more, you can find me on Twitter, Letterboxd and The Shiznit.

Last but not least: want to pay me cold, hard cash for cold, hard words? I will write for you if you're nice enough. Email me.

You take care now.

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