Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Yoo-hoo--Where are you 21st century cousins?

Well, a month or so ago, a comment I posted on a census record on yielded results. A descendant of one of my great-granduncles on the Murray side replied to my comment. I hoped my third cousins would have some family history that I lacked--family history lost perhaps in part because my great-grandfather, Albert, went to an orphanage at a young age. His brother, Stanford (aka Sanford), was slightly older. Alas, it seems Stanford might have been too young as well. And one comment sounded eerily familiar--according to Stanford's grandson, his grandfather's life was not spoken of. Just like my great-grandfather. More circumstantial evidence to suggest these children had a tough life.

There were no solid leads to follow, although Stanford's grandson had begun some family research and it seems as if he had hints that the Murray line was a Colonial line. That is consistent with information from some secondary data from census reports. I'll keep hoping I manage to uncover something leading back to the right location in Connecticut where I can discover some real evidence on whether the Murrays were Scottish or Irish immigrants.

I'm continuing to pursue two older sibling's line, hoping for clues. (two others were childless). Richard Murray and Mary Jane Murray Van Patten families...where are you and what do you know?

But, I really, really need to move beyond the internet and get to the Library of Congress and the DAR. I think it's the only way I'll have a break-through.

 A potential magazine story on my search is in some stage of development and I really hope it comes to fruition.

It's kind of cool to enlarge your family and share a history.

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